Here, you can see one of my first sewing projects--the curtains. When we moved in there were these terrible "curtains" up that didn't fit the window and they had crazy ugly roosters on them. When I saw this material at the store, I couldn't resist buying it. More roosters...slightly more classy.
We also had next to zero storage place in the kitchen, so we invested in the microwave stand and made use of a closet organizer for the white shelving in the corner.

Some homemade magnets from my mission decorate the side of the fridge.

We only ever use the kitchen door (the point from which Ben took the kitchen's picture). When you look to your left upon entry, you see this view of our bedroom. We like the red curtains, but if they stay closed too long into the day, the entire room is a lovely shade of pink.

One of my current obsessions: houseplants. It started with our herbs and has expanded to include this umbrella tree. I have many more ideas in mind, but most of the nurseries are still closed in cold Cleveland.

The famous Texas star has a place in the hallway across from the bathroom.
Ben and I went antique shopping a few weeks ago and picked up this window. After a coat a paint and some artistic sanding, it made a nice addition to our bathroom.

Given the central location (and Ben and my love for good food), the dining room is one of the most frequented rooms of the house. I would also like to note that all the furniture in this room was free.
Ben snagged a picture of a general dinner set-up, minus the food.

The living room is known fondly as our "brown room." Brown floor, brown walls, brown TV stand, brown rug, brown couches. One day we'll have more color.... Meanwhile, those brown couches were somewhat hard to come by. We love them, but they're HUGE. The sofa had to be hoisted over the balcony and brought in through the french door your see in the right corner.

On the other side of the living room, slightly more color is provided by our book and game collection. Ben and I like to read aloud to each other, and that habit is aided by our expansive selection.