October 14th was Ben's birthday. I got up and made him pancakes for breakfast (found a really yummy new recipe online--yall should try it out http://allrecipes.com/recipe/fluffy-pancakes-2/detail.aspx only add more milk to thin it out. Makes servings for 2-3). For his birthday I made him a plaque with the word "fortitude" on it. This stems from a conversation early in our marriage. We were discussing home decorating styles and Ben commented that he didn't really care for "random words on the walls. You know, like love, laugh, friends, fortitude..." "Fortitude?" I said. "Who would put fortitude on their wall?? You're ridiculous, Ben." Ever since then, the word fortitude has always been a joke between us.
My other gift for him was a joint Danny-Maggie gift (because it was so expensive...thanks Danny!). We got him a banjo. He is SUPER excited about that one. Unfortunately, the banjo did not arrive till Monday (long story), so he spent about 1.5 hours on Saturday watching videos and reading about banjo playing (btw, did you now that Steve Martin plays the banjo remarkably well?)
For dinner, we went to the B Spot, a ritzy burger joint where we enjoyed a vanilla-bean-apple-pie-bacon milkshake--surprisingly DELICIOUS. I love that boy more than anyone, and I'm glad he had a happy day.
On Saturday, We didn't spend much time together because our cute niece and nephew were being born! In the morning, Ben came down with something and nobody wanted a sick man around two BRAND new babies, so he had to stay home. I was lucky enough to be at the hospital and saw the babies right away. They are ADORABLE. Jackson and Jocelyn Cope. If only they were born one day earlier...

By Sunday Ben was feeling better, so we had a few friends over for games and pumpkin pie to celebrate Benny's birthday. A Cope function is never complete if a few games aren't played.
On the following Monday, after we rushed over to Sam Ash Music to pick up Ben's new banjo, we had two of Ben's dental school friends (Chris & Katie Blacker and the Jae Park family) over for Family Home Evening.
That pumpkin is ridiculously awesome!!!